
Site Credits

Everything on this site is made by Lone Star Studios unless stated otherwise. Content that is not created directly by Lone Star Studios will receive credit on this page as required. Everything on this site not made by Lone Star Studios is obtained online from public domain, CC-0, or CC-Attribution sources. Visit this link to find out more about creative commons licenses and the public domain.

Any copyright, trademark, or other symbols not owned by Lone Star Studios are property of the respective businesses that own them and only exist on this site under fair use.  We make no attempts to misrepresent their brand as our own, nor do we intend to give the impression that the limited presence of other brands on our site represents their permission, endorsement, or approval of our use, it does not. We do not suggest that there is any connection to or business relationship with the brands or companies used in the fair use areas of the site. To find out more about fair use visit this link.

DMCA Requests

If you feel that any part of this site violates your rights in some way, you may contact us here, provide the requested information verifying the legitimacy of your request, and only the specific content legally required to get taken down will get removed from the site no later than 30 days from the date of request.

Lone Star Studios would like to thank and credit the sources below for their
talented work and generous contributions to the public domain and creative
commons space. This project would have been far more difficult, if not
impossible, without your contributions. The presence of the creators’ work does not represent an endorsement or promotion of this site.

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