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Lone Star Studios
Who is Lone Star Studios? Lone Star Studios tells stories using every form of media to shine the light of life into the darkest parts of the world producing life, laughter, and love in the hearts and minds of people all over the Earth in an encouraging, inspiring, and winsome way that boldly speaks the truth in love. Why does Lone Star Studios exist? We exist only for the glory of God, that is to make His name and persona, who He is and what He does known throughout the Earth.
What makes this studio different? We believe words have power, to build up or tear down, and we will use them to speak truth. We’re told that God formed everything in existence by the power of His spoken word, which provides an example of the constructive power of words to create and bring forth life. We all know and have personal experience with the other side of words as well, the destructive power of words, when people use them to tear others down. We will love, respect, and honor the people made in God’s image, and care about them enough to tell them the truth at all times in all seasons. Knowing truth, we believe we have a spiritual responsibility to share it, for that is what sets the captives free. You shall know the truth, the truth of God’s word, and the truth shall set you free.
For similar reasons, due to the power of words, we have no interest in using foul language. Foul language tends to offend more people than you likely realize, and even to those who are not offended by it, the words still tend to fall on the destructive side of language both in their use and the spirit that’s often behind them. In our opinion, foul language is most often used destructively rather than constructively, and as such, we simply choose to leave it out. We understand that people use questionable language in real life all the time. However, we feel an obligation and responsibility to hold ourselves to a different standard as a company than the average person, given who we claim to represent and the platform God is giving us to speak into others’ lives. When you watch a Lone Star Studios production, you’re inviting us into your home, trusting us, and we will not pollute your home environment with words that disrespect you and your loved ones.
Another way we intend to respect you and your family is by censoring nudity. Practically speaking, if nudity is your thing, you can find it everywhere online these days for free, so you don’t need us for that and we feel no obligation to provide it to you. At the very least we’ll commit to showing TV versions of shows where they blur it, but what’s more likely is that we probably won’t even have the kind of shows that include nudity in our library so you don’t even have to worry about it. Similar to foul language, nudity tends to offend people whether it should or not, so we’re just going to leave it out for the peace of mind of everyone involved. We say this kind of jokingly, but principally we believe that peoples’ privates are best kept private. So, generally speaking, if a bikini or speedo feels the need to cover it, then so will we. You’re welcome!
At this point, you might have the impression that we’re opposed to offending people or overly concerned with what people think and that isn’t the case at all. We do care about and love the people we feel led to serve, however, we choose these standards and values, because we care about what God thinks more than what people think. So, while this might read as if we are overly concerned about what people think, and that’s certainly part of it, make no mistake about the fact that we are primarily concerned with what God thinks. If we cared what people thought, you wouldn’t be reading this right now, because of the number of people in the world we assume wouldn’t have wanted us to do this, but God’s opinion of us is the only one that matters and He said do it. If we were consumed by what people think of us more than God, we would be disqualified from service to God, you know that. When God smiles at you and is proud of you, then you don’t see or hear anything else, and even at times when you may hear things that sound disapproving, you consider the source. Is God the source of disapproval or are people? When the source of disapproval is people, then you tune it out, because nothing speaks to you more loudly and clearly than the love, acceptance, and approval of God. When God so clearly loves, accepts, and approves you and makes His face to shine down upon you in pride like the glow of a proud Father, nothing else matters. Everything else in life fails to compare to making God smile and knowing that He’s proud of you in a way that nobody can deny!
It seems safe to say that most people spend a majority of their lives selfish and self-seeking, doing whatever is in their own best interest more often than not. We can tell you for certain that Lone Star Studios would not exist right now if the owner and founder felt the same way and did the same things most of the world does. The creator of Lone Star Studios, by the power of God at work in their life, has sacrificed greatly to ensure obedience to the will of God for their life. They realize that no matter what the world has to offer them, nobody can out give God, and nothing can compare to obeying God. If something is in God’s will for a person’s life, then that person shouldn’t have to choose between the person/thing and obeying God in their life. We welcome anybody or anything into our lives that God desires to give us as long as we can have it and obedience to God, but even the greatest experiences the world and people could offer us would all amount to nothing if we had to disobey God to obtain and keep them. So, no matter how great somebody or something is in life, and they are great, nothing can compare with obeying God and making Him smile! It is with this heart and mental determination to obey God that the creator of Lone Star Studios stepped out in faith back in 2018, years before the virus or any other physical reason to believe God. He walked by faith and not by sight, placing the entirety of his future and reputation in the hands of God, and God responded with miracle after miracle in his life. You might be wondering at this point why more hasn’t been said or mentioned about the creator of Lone Star Studios, and it goes back to the glory of God. The creator of Lone Star Studios is humble like God and desires that the focus and attention stay where it belongs with the one who miraculously did all of this, God. It is the power of God that guided and directed him every step of the way, giving him inspiration, new ideas, and fresh creativity all along the way. The owner worked alone in partnership with God, talking to God alone; therefore it is God alone that deserves all the credit, glory, and honor for whatever this studio currently is and whatever it will become. Anybody that suggests otherwise seeks their own glory and to compete with or take/steal the glory of God for themselves that belongs to God alone, and God will deal with them accordingly. The creator of Lone Star Studios is unimportant, because he is simply a conduit by which the true Creator of the Universe inspired this whole thing. Soli Deo Gloria! To God be the glory alone!
That seems like as good a place as any to wrap this up. At the end of the day, so much has happened the past few years and continues to happen in the world, which the majority of us have no control over, and it can tend to make life feel overwhelming. We just want to help people have fun again, to smile and laugh again, and to somehow know that everything will be okay! We think that form of encouragement is at the heart of the verse when Jesus says, “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16 That is the reason God told us to use, “Let Your Light Shine,” as the slogan/motto for Lone Star Studios, a loving reminder to be salt and light in a dark world. Our secondary slogan/motto, “Soli Deo Gloria,” means to God be the glory alone or for God’s glory only, which is often how master artists during the Renaissance would sign their work. More than that, we desire for it to be said of our entire lives and the life of Lone Star Studios, which is a gift of God to the world, that we shined the light of Jesus living inside us to the entire world for the glory of God alone, Amen!
My Test
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My Test
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